Happy 4th Everyone!!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
How do you apologize to our soldiers for this?

Finally the soldiers who were accused of atrocities against the Haditha people are being exonerated. Oops, looks like Murtha and the rest of the left media news rags owe our guys a big fat apology. Don't hold your breathe guys, the day you get an "I'm sorry, I was wrong" from any of these blow hards is the day French Poodles meow instead of bark. Check out this article on it.
Moore Wishes Bush Well!

What's up with this? Michael Moore wishing Bush Well? Could it be that MM has gone from being the poster boy for overweight, vindictive, communist to overweight, introspective, socialist? Hmmm, keep it up Michael and you may become a repented, thoughtful, American Republican with each passing mistake you make.
As of today the new movie you have had pirated on the net "Sicko" probably hasn't made much in revenue and has managed to backfire on your backers. Maybe falling down has caused you to look up? It's just a matter of time till Hollywierd adds salt to your wounds and turns their thin layered cheeks against you. But, that's OK Michael, when you are ready to pick the right side, the conservative side, we'll be here for you. Of course you will have to renounce your allegiance to Castro and Chavez first.
A Victory for Christians
Sunday, June 24, 2007
And the #1 reason I can't drive my car?

Well, I know I'm forbidden to drive but this little groundhog has decided to take up residence on my tire. I don't know who was more scared the groundhog or us when we found him. Did you know they growl when they feel threatened? The story behind this little guy is too funny. He must have crept into my garage the day before when the door was left open. My grandchildren came into my house the next day saying they heard some noises in the garage so, we went in to investigate. Well when we were all looking around the furry critter crept out and curled up by the front bricks. My grandson (knight in shinning armor that he is) decided to chase him away. He ran alright! Right at me! I screamed, ran inside and slammed the door just intime. After a few minutes, I peeked out and saw my grandaughter inside my car and my grandson over at his own house next door. I guess when critter ran we all did! We hunted and hunted but could not find him. After awhile my grandaughter says as she walks over to the car again, "oh my God it's on the tire!" Lo and behold it was and it stayed for a while even tho we offered it apples. Eventually he scurried out and ran next door. Haven't seen him since. But we always check our tires now whenever we go out!
FYI My Cancer

Hi, just thought I'd update ya'll since my last post. I had a total hysterectomy on the 13th. Was home on the 14th. and have been recovering ever since. They said there were no more signs of the cancer. Yeah!!! They did a great job too! The scar is minimal and the pain tolerable. The only thing I don't like to much is I have to wait 4 weeks before I can drive again, geesh! Oh well, God is good.
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