Thursday, August 23, 2007

My E-Bay Store

Since I am in the semi-retirement mode due to recovery from illness. It is not likely that I will be sitting on my can doing nothing. I just can't do that for very long, not in my make up and all. So, I've decided to explore the bus. of online marketing. E-bay came to mind and so I started a little shop of my own named so un-creatively Paulette's Bazaar. Don't laugh to hard, I'm selling and even tho I'm a newbie at it, I'm doing alright for a beginner. I've sold approx. 12 things in 2 mo. from my wearable art to electronics to cd's. It's alot of fun and very interesting. I've sold things to people in TX, CO, CA, GA, ID, MS, NY and so on. Nothing out of the country yet because I haven't really offered since I'm not too sure about the shipping costs, I hear that can be tricky and rather expensive (my next thing to learn about.) So, please visit me at anytime, my store is always open, I think???? Unless e-bay closes and I don't think they do. Enjoy the day!