Friday, October 19, 2007

As a Conservative Fundamentalist I Vote for....

By LIZ SIDOTI - Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON(AP) Religious and cultural conservatives, a political force skeptical of the leading Republican presidential candidates, are caught in a tug of war between pragmatism and ideology.

"My head and my heart are fighting with each other," said Phil Burress, an Ohioan who has lobbied hard for federal and state bans on gay marriage.

The vexing choices facing these voters:

_Rudy Giuliani, a thrice-married New Yorker who differs with them on abortion, gays and guns but who polls show offers a strong chance to beat a Democrat next fall.

_Mitt Romney, a Mormon from Massachusetts who didn't entirely share their views in the past but who insists he now does.

_Fred Thompson, a Tennessean who hasn't been a vocal champion of their core issues but who had a right-leaning Senate voting record.

_John McCain, an Arizona senator who has a clear socially conservative resume but who dismissed their leaders "agents of intolerance" in 2000.

_Mike Huckabee, a Southern Baptist minister and true believer who has an extraordinary hill to climb for the nomination.

For now, social-issue conservatives are scattered across the field of candidates.

It's a splintering that is, perhaps, more severe than in previous presidential elections and that raises questions about the power of a long-influential part of the GOP base. The restiveness has prompted talk of a possible third-party bid, a certain political death knell for the GOP nominee.

Reflecting the quandary these voters face, Focus on the Family's James Dobson has rejected Giuliani and has panned both McCain and Thompson. Romney is the only leading candidate Dobson hasn't denounced _ but he hasn't publicly backed Romney either.

Click on the title of this post and see why my vote will be for....

Dear God, Please give Mike Huckabee all that he needs to run in this campaign and win, amen.


Anonymous said...

Hey, hear you're going to have gay marriage in Maine soon. Well done! Hopefully, we can purge this stranglehold of freedoms from the rest of our states and people will be able to marry who they wish. Maybe Maine can further its new progressive persona.

Paulette Simone said...

Nice try liberal Lucy! Gay marriage is probably not the most important issue in the world but it certainly isn't anything I would endorse. Did you not read the post right? As far as Maine's progressive persona goes, I like Maine just the way it is. Although there are a few too many lefties here.