By LIZ SIDOTI - Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON(AP) Religious and cultural conservatives, a political force skeptical of the leading Republican presidential candidates, are caught in a tug of war between pragmatism and ideology.
"My head and my heart are fighting with each other," said Phil Burress, an Ohioan who has lobbied hard for federal and state bans on gay marriage.
The vexing choices facing these voters:
_Rudy Giuliani, a thrice-married New Yorker who differs with them on abortion, gays and guns but who polls show offers a strong chance to beat a Democrat next fall.
_Mitt Romney, a Mormon from Massachusetts who didn't entirely share their views in the past but who insists he now does.
_Fred Thompson, a Tennessean who hasn't been a vocal champion of their core issues but who had a right-leaning Senate voting record.
_John McCain, an Arizona senator who has a clear socially conservative resume but who dismissed their leaders "agents of intolerance" in 2000.
_Mike Huckabee, a Southern Baptist minister and true believer who has an extraordinary hill to climb for the nomination.
For now, social-issue conservatives are scattered across the field of candidates.
It's a splintering that is, perhaps, more severe than in previous presidential elections and that raises questions about the power of a long-influential part of the GOP base. The restiveness has prompted talk of a possible third-party bid, a certain political death knell for the GOP nominee.
Reflecting the quandary these voters face, Focus on the Family's James Dobson has rejected Giuliani and has panned both McCain and Thompson. Romney is the only leading candidate Dobson hasn't denounced _ but he hasn't publicly backed Romney either.
Click on the title of this post and see why my vote will be for....
Dear God, Please give Mike Huckabee all that he needs to run in this campaign and win, amen.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Why do liberals hate so much?
You know, I use to think that the polarization of our country was just a label that the media liked to use to get people mad. But, I believe it is more than that now. I believe it's caused by the progressives in politics and the media. The last time I heard anyone and I mean anyone from the Democratic/Libertarian/Liberal side say anything positive about our country was so long ago... why, I can't even remember them saying anything good about it.
Of course, I guess it would be hard for them to see the glass half full with their constant whining and complaining about the oil and gas prices, the so called huge debt our country is in, the war against terrorism, the bogus cruel abuse of power, the Gitmo dilemma, the border control problems, the health care system, the global warming farce, the Patriot Act, the racial discrimination's, the legal battle to toss out anything Christian in any sort of public arena. Why it's no wonder they are in such a snit. I mean really, how on earth can drunks like Ted Kennedy and cowards like Murtha and Ried and perverts that like boys, like those in congress and in the senate and manipulative women like Pelosi and Clinton handle so many problems without finding someone to blame it all on? Their answer has always been to blame it on the opposite side of what they stand for. Uh, I guess that would be all law-abiding, Christian, Jew, Catholic and non-violent Muslim too name a few who, love this country just the way it is and believe in fighting for Freedoms all over the world especially after being attacked so horribly on 9/11/00.
I guess to those of us who stand for morals it must go against the grain and back of those who wish to do whatever they like no matter who is affected and with total dis-regard for the plight of those who are trodden upon.
Supposedly that's what the ACLU is for. I say that with a big grin because as far as I'm concerned seeing the negative effects from this group of "muck rakers" is that they have succeeded in turning people against each other instead of bringing harmony and respect for each other. NO one will ever learn to love their neighbor if they have to be sued into doing it. Nothing like a little Nazism and twisted law suits to diminish our Constitution and Amendments. But the liberals will say they need to be here to restore equal rights for all. Bull! Since when is it equal to prohibit Christmas in public places yet we can have big gay rainbow parades? What a strange outlook on things.
If you know of any instance where a liberal has shown hate please post it here, we would be happy to discuss it.
Of course, I guess it would be hard for them to see the glass half full with their constant whining and complaining about the oil and gas prices, the so called huge debt our country is in, the war against terrorism, the bogus cruel abuse of power, the Gitmo dilemma, the border control problems, the health care system, the global warming farce, the Patriot Act, the racial discrimination's, the legal battle to toss out anything Christian in any sort of public arena. Why it's no wonder they are in such a snit. I mean really, how on earth can drunks like Ted Kennedy and cowards like Murtha and Ried and perverts that like boys, like those in congress and in the senate and manipulative women like Pelosi and Clinton handle so many problems without finding someone to blame it all on? Their answer has always been to blame it on the opposite side of what they stand for. Uh, I guess that would be all law-abiding, Christian, Jew, Catholic and non-violent Muslim too name a few who, love this country just the way it is and believe in fighting for Freedoms all over the world especially after being attacked so horribly on 9/11/00.
I guess to those of us who stand for morals it must go against the grain and back of those who wish to do whatever they like no matter who is affected and with total dis-regard for the plight of those who are trodden upon.
Supposedly that's what the ACLU is for. I say that with a big grin because as far as I'm concerned seeing the negative effects from this group of "muck rakers" is that they have succeeded in turning people against each other instead of bringing harmony and respect for each other. NO one will ever learn to love their neighbor if they have to be sued into doing it. Nothing like a little Nazism and twisted law suits to diminish our Constitution and Amendments. But the liberals will say they need to be here to restore equal rights for all. Bull! Since when is it equal to prohibit Christmas in public places yet we can have big gay rainbow parades? What a strange outlook on things.
If you know of any instance where a liberal has shown hate please post it here, we would be happy to discuss it.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Schools reason for Ahmadinejad's Appearance at C.U.
President Bollinger's Statement About
President Ahmadinejad's Scheduled Appearance
Sept. 19, 2007
On Monday, September 24, the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is scheduled to appear as a speaker on campus. The event is sponsored by the School of International and Public Affairs (see SIPA announcement), which has been in contact with the Iranian Mission to the United Nations. The event will be part of the annual World Leaders Forum, the University-wide initiative intended to further Columbias longstanding tradition of serving as a major forum for robust debate, especially on global issues.
In order to have such a University-wide forum, we have insisted that a number of conditions be met, first and foremost that President Ahmadinejad agree to divide his time evenly between delivering remarks and responding to audience questions. I also wanted to be sure the Iranians understood that I would myself introduce the event with a series of sharp challenges to the president on issues including:
• the Iranian president’s denial of the Holocaust;
• his public call for the destruction of the State of Israel;
• his reported support for international terrorism that targets innocent civilians and American troops;
• Iran's pursuit of nuclear ambitions in opposition to international sanction;
• his government's widely documented suppression of civil society and particularly of women's rights; and
• his government's imprisoning of journalists and scholars, including one of Columbias own alumni, Dr. Kian Tajbakhsh (see President Bollinger's statement on Dr. Kian Tajbakhsh's release).
I would like to add a few comments on the principles that underlie this event. Columbia, as a community dedicated to learning and scholarship, is committed to confronting ideasto understand the world as it is and as it might be. To fulfill this mission we must respect and defend the rights of our schools, our deans and our faculty to create programming for academic purposes. Necessarily, on occasion this will bring us into contact with beliefs many, most or even all of us will find offensive and even odious. We trust our community, including our students, to be fully capable of dealing with these occasions, through the powers of dialogue and reason.
I would also like to invoke a major theme in the development of freedom of speech as a central value in our society. It should never be thought that merely to listen to ideas we deplore in any way implies our endorsement of those ideas, or the weakness of our resolve to resist those ideas or our naiveté about the very real dangers inherent in such ideas. It is a critical premise of freedom of speech that we do not honor the dishonorable when we open the public forum to their voices. To hold otherwise would make vigorous debate impossible.
That such a forum could not take place on a university campus in Iran today sharpens the point of what we do here. To commit oneself to a lifeand a civil societyprepared to examine critically all ideas arises from a deep faith in the myriad benefits of a long-term process of meeting bad beliefs with better beliefs and hateful words with wiser words. That faith in freedom has always been and remains today our nations most potent weapon against repressive regimes everywhere in the world. This is America at its best.
© Columbia University
I beg to differ, this is America at its worst! Can't wait to write about MA's comments.
President Ahmadinejad's Scheduled Appearance
Sept. 19, 2007
On Monday, September 24, the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is scheduled to appear as a speaker on campus. The event is sponsored by the School of International and Public Affairs (see SIPA announcement), which has been in contact with the Iranian Mission to the United Nations. The event will be part of the annual World Leaders Forum, the University-wide initiative intended to further Columbias longstanding tradition of serving as a major forum for robust debate, especially on global issues.
In order to have such a University-wide forum, we have insisted that a number of conditions be met, first and foremost that President Ahmadinejad agree to divide his time evenly between delivering remarks and responding to audience questions. I also wanted to be sure the Iranians understood that I would myself introduce the event with a series of sharp challenges to the president on issues including:
• the Iranian president’s denial of the Holocaust;
• his public call for the destruction of the State of Israel;
• his reported support for international terrorism that targets innocent civilians and American troops;
• Iran's pursuit of nuclear ambitions in opposition to international sanction;
• his government's widely documented suppression of civil society and particularly of women's rights; and
• his government's imprisoning of journalists and scholars, including one of Columbias own alumni, Dr. Kian Tajbakhsh (see President Bollinger's statement on Dr. Kian Tajbakhsh's release).
I would like to add a few comments on the principles that underlie this event. Columbia, as a community dedicated to learning and scholarship, is committed to confronting ideasto understand the world as it is and as it might be. To fulfill this mission we must respect and defend the rights of our schools, our deans and our faculty to create programming for academic purposes. Necessarily, on occasion this will bring us into contact with beliefs many, most or even all of us will find offensive and even odious. We trust our community, including our students, to be fully capable of dealing with these occasions, through the powers of dialogue and reason.
I would also like to invoke a major theme in the development of freedom of speech as a central value in our society. It should never be thought that merely to listen to ideas we deplore in any way implies our endorsement of those ideas, or the weakness of our resolve to resist those ideas or our naiveté about the very real dangers inherent in such ideas. It is a critical premise of freedom of speech that we do not honor the dishonorable when we open the public forum to their voices. To hold otherwise would make vigorous debate impossible.
That such a forum could not take place on a university campus in Iran today sharpens the point of what we do here. To commit oneself to a lifeand a civil societyprepared to examine critically all ideas arises from a deep faith in the myriad benefits of a long-term process of meeting bad beliefs with better beliefs and hateful words with wiser words. That faith in freedom has always been and remains today our nations most potent weapon against repressive regimes everywhere in the world. This is America at its best.
© Columbia University
I beg to differ, this is America at its worst! Can't wait to write about MA's comments.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
My E-Bay Store

Since I am in the semi-retirement mode due to recovery from illness. It is not likely that I will be sitting on my can doing nothing. I just can't do that for very long, not in my make up and all. So, I've decided to explore the bus. of online marketing. E-bay came to mind and so I started a little shop of my own named so un-creatively Paulette's Bazaar. Don't laugh to hard, I'm selling and even tho I'm a newbie at it, I'm doing alright for a beginner. I've sold approx. 12 things in 2 mo. from my wearable art to electronics to cd's. It's alot of fun and very interesting. I've sold things to people in TX, CO, CA, GA, ID, MS, NY and so on. Nothing out of the country yet because I haven't really offered since I'm not too sure about the shipping costs, I hear that can be tricky and rather expensive (my next thing to learn about.) So, please visit me at anytime, my store is always open, I think???? Unless e-bay closes and I don't think they do. Enjoy the day!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Selling our home after 9 years.

We decided to put our home on the market this summer while we start building a new and smaller one further out in the woods. This House is huge. Way to much sq. feet for me to keep up with. It has 11 rooms, 2 car garage, in ground swimming pool, brand new kitchen, sun room and lots of pretty flowers and landscaping. It has been on the market 2 weeks, the first person to check it out last week said they are very interested. Cool! Someone else is coming to check it out tomorrow while we are at he church pic-nic. Who says the market isn't there right now? Boy, are they wrong!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Sum Ting Updah!

Learn To Speak Chinese In 5 minutes
(Important: Read Out Loud)
English Phrase / Chinese Translation
1. "That's not right"............... Sum Ting Wong
2. "Are you harboring a fugitive?".. Hu Yu Hai Ding
3. "See me ASAP".................... Kum Hia Nao
4. "There goes Stupid Man".......... Dum Dum Wa King
5. "Small Horse".................... Tai Ni Po Ni
6. "Did you go to the beach?"....... Wai Yu So Tan
7. "I bumped into a coffee table"... Ai Bang Mai Ni
8. "I think you need a face lift"... Chin Tu Fat
9. "It's very dark in here"......... Wao So Dim
10. "I thought you were on a diet".. Wai Yu Mun Ching
11. "This is a tow away zone"....... No Pah King
12. "Our meeting is next week"...... Wai Yu Kum Nao
13. "Staying out of sight!"......... Lei Ying Lo
14. "He's cleaning his automobile".. Wa Shing Ka
15. "Your body odor is offensive"... Yu Stin Ki Pu
16. "Great"......................... Su Pah
Friday, June 29, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
How do you apologize to our soldiers for this?

Finally the soldiers who were accused of atrocities against the Haditha people are being exonerated. Oops, looks like Murtha and the rest of the left media news rags owe our guys a big fat apology. Don't hold your breathe guys, the day you get an "I'm sorry, I was wrong" from any of these blow hards is the day French Poodles meow instead of bark. Check out this article on it.
Moore Wishes Bush Well!

What's up with this? Michael Moore wishing Bush Well? Could it be that MM has gone from being the poster boy for overweight, vindictive, communist to overweight, introspective, socialist? Hmmm, keep it up Michael and you may become a repented, thoughtful, American Republican with each passing mistake you make.
As of today the new movie you have had pirated on the net "Sicko" probably hasn't made much in revenue and has managed to backfire on your backers. Maybe falling down has caused you to look up? It's just a matter of time till Hollywierd adds salt to your wounds and turns their thin layered cheeks against you. But, that's OK Michael, when you are ready to pick the right side, the conservative side, we'll be here for you. Of course you will have to renounce your allegiance to Castro and Chavez first.
A Victory for Christians
Sunday, June 24, 2007
And the #1 reason I can't drive my car?

Well, I know I'm forbidden to drive but this little groundhog has decided to take up residence on my tire. I don't know who was more scared the groundhog or us when we found him. Did you know they growl when they feel threatened? The story behind this little guy is too funny. He must have crept into my garage the day before when the door was left open. My grandchildren came into my house the next day saying they heard some noises in the garage so, we went in to investigate. Well when we were all looking around the furry critter crept out and curled up by the front bricks. My grandson (knight in shinning armor that he is) decided to chase him away. He ran alright! Right at me! I screamed, ran inside and slammed the door just intime. After a few minutes, I peeked out and saw my grandaughter inside my car and my grandson over at his own house next door. I guess when critter ran we all did! We hunted and hunted but could not find him. After awhile my grandaughter says as she walks over to the car again, "oh my God it's on the tire!" Lo and behold it was and it stayed for a while even tho we offered it apples. Eventually he scurried out and ran next door. Haven't seen him since. But we always check our tires now whenever we go out!
FYI My Cancer

Hi, just thought I'd update ya'll since my last post. I had a total hysterectomy on the 13th. Was home on the 14th. and have been recovering ever since. They said there were no more signs of the cancer. Yeah!!! They did a great job too! The scar is minimal and the pain tolerable. The only thing I don't like to much is I have to wait 4 weeks before I can drive again, geesh! Oh well, God is good.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
What I learned about cancer
I was recently diagnosed with something called glandular, cervical, cancer much to my surprise! I went for a pap smear in Dec of 2006. My Dr. called me a week later with the info that I had abnormal cells, OK? So, what does that mean, I asked?
His reply, we need to refer you to a oncologist gyn. Why? I asked. He said these cells were cancerous and that I needed a deeper intrusive biopsy. So, anyhoo, 3 months later I finally get into my new Dr's office, where she proceeds to torture me on the table all the while apologizing and telling me to breathe fast and then cough! I'm thinking to myself, as I'm straining in pain and trying not to fall off the table, she must be dissecting me! After a few minutes it was all over and when I sat up to speak, I couldn't. I just couldn't open my mouth and say anything, I couldn't even think straight. I was in shock! She must have known that because she started talking to me and asking me questions, I don't even remember what they were. I started to feel the tears swell up in my eyes and knew I had better hurry and just get out of there! Just run! That's pretty much what I did too. When she and her aid left the room, I dressed, wiped my face, put my sunglasses on, like that was gonna hide my big fat red blotches on my cheeks, and left the room. I wondered out to the lobby to pay and was told to come back in two weeks for the results. I left, got in my car and drove straight to church where my husband was holding a mid-week bible study. I walked in forgetting what was going on, leaned on the back of a chair and asked him to come out into the hallway because I had something to tell him. When he came out, all I could do was drop into his arms and cry. He didn't know what to do but he wanted an answer to why I was so upset. So, I told him. we then told the group and they all prayed for me, right on the spot, thankfully.
I kept my next appt.and was told that the cancer was confirmed and they needed to do a cold knife procedure. GREAT! I thought to myself. It was explained that they need to check to see if the cancer has become invasive. That means if it has spread to other organs or places which would mean different avenues of treatment. Another test in only 4 days.
So, Fri. I went in early 8am, got all prepped and luckily I was in the O.R. within 30min. or so. When I woke up I had some pressure but was OK and ready to go home. They let me leave around 10am. I spent the next 2 1/2 days pretty much in bed sleeping and taking pain meds.
It's been about 8 days now and I'm finally feeling better. Strong enough to do housework and even did a puppet show Thursday. Here's what I've learned this week on line about my cancer.
1). I have a papaloma virus. (they say women with this type of
cancer all have this virus)
2). I am 50 yrs. old. (this particular cancer stikes women 50-55
yrs. of age.)
3) I have a very low if any at all folic acid deficiency
(people who do low carb diets avoid most all foods that are high in folic acid thus, depleting their own systems of this important nutrient.) I did not take vitamins.
4). I have a horrible diet and eating lifestyle, eat when I can, eat what's available, and am always (tired and run down, which are signs of this cancer also).
5). With poor diet comes poor plumbing, well I have a problem there that's for sure. (another sign)
6). Lack of R & R, well that's been pretty much non-existant and for awhile now.
7). A pap smear check every year can catch it super early and it's nothing to take care of. I waited several years between. This is not good.
So, compare your life to that list above, if you exhibit any of that you better get checked. There are other factors of course, smoking, promiscuous sex, and genetics. They are now offering a vaccine for girls 16 and up against the papaloma virus because of cancer risk and as my Dr. told me, up to 85% of WOMEN AND MEN in America all have or carry the virus. This could be anyone you know and or it could be you.
I'll find out next week what level of cancer I have. I pray it won't be bad news. I pray more that anyone who reads this and hasn't had a pap smear for awhile, get one! It could mean the difference between living 50 more years or 50 more months.
His reply, we need to refer you to a oncologist gyn. Why? I asked. He said these cells were cancerous and that I needed a deeper intrusive biopsy. So, anyhoo, 3 months later I finally get into my new Dr's office, where she proceeds to torture me on the table all the while apologizing and telling me to breathe fast and then cough! I'm thinking to myself, as I'm straining in pain and trying not to fall off the table, she must be dissecting me! After a few minutes it was all over and when I sat up to speak, I couldn't. I just couldn't open my mouth and say anything, I couldn't even think straight. I was in shock! She must have known that because she started talking to me and asking me questions, I don't even remember what they were. I started to feel the tears swell up in my eyes and knew I had better hurry and just get out of there! Just run! That's pretty much what I did too. When she and her aid left the room, I dressed, wiped my face, put my sunglasses on, like that was gonna hide my big fat red blotches on my cheeks, and left the room. I wondered out to the lobby to pay and was told to come back in two weeks for the results. I left, got in my car and drove straight to church where my husband was holding a mid-week bible study. I walked in forgetting what was going on, leaned on the back of a chair and asked him to come out into the hallway because I had something to tell him. When he came out, all I could do was drop into his arms and cry. He didn't know what to do but he wanted an answer to why I was so upset. So, I told him. we then told the group and they all prayed for me, right on the spot, thankfully.
I kept my next appt.and was told that the cancer was confirmed and they needed to do a cold knife procedure. GREAT! I thought to myself. It was explained that they need to check to see if the cancer has become invasive. That means if it has spread to other organs or places which would mean different avenues of treatment. Another test in only 4 days.
So, Fri. I went in early 8am, got all prepped and luckily I was in the O.R. within 30min. or so. When I woke up I had some pressure but was OK and ready to go home. They let me leave around 10am. I spent the next 2 1/2 days pretty much in bed sleeping and taking pain meds.
It's been about 8 days now and I'm finally feeling better. Strong enough to do housework and even did a puppet show Thursday. Here's what I've learned this week on line about my cancer.
1). I have a papaloma virus. (they say women with this type of
cancer all have this virus)
2). I am 50 yrs. old. (this particular cancer stikes women 50-55
yrs. of age.)
3) I have a very low if any at all folic acid deficiency
(people who do low carb diets avoid most all foods that are high in folic acid thus, depleting their own systems of this important nutrient.) I did not take vitamins.
4). I have a horrible diet and eating lifestyle, eat when I can, eat what's available, and am always (tired and run down, which are signs of this cancer also).
5). With poor diet comes poor plumbing, well I have a problem there that's for sure. (another sign)
6). Lack of R & R, well that's been pretty much non-existant and for awhile now.
7). A pap smear check every year can catch it super early and it's nothing to take care of. I waited several years between. This is not good.
So, compare your life to that list above, if you exhibit any of that you better get checked. There are other factors of course, smoking, promiscuous sex, and genetics. They are now offering a vaccine for girls 16 and up against the papaloma virus because of cancer risk and as my Dr. told me, up to 85% of WOMEN AND MEN in America all have or carry the virus. This could be anyone you know and or it could be you.
I'll find out next week what level of cancer I have. I pray it won't be bad news. I pray more that anyone who reads this and hasn't had a pap smear for awhile, get one! It could mean the difference between living 50 more years or 50 more months.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Thought I had today.
Did you ever take a moment and think to yourself why things happen the way they do? I usually don't do that! You know the whole thing about the sun and rain shining and falling on everyone, irrigardless of faith or lack there of. I just don't really worry about how or why things happen, never have. It keeps it simple you know. K.I.S.S (keep it simple stupid.) There's a reason but I believe God is always available and He watches us and protects us. People just have to know that it's not all about them! It's about God and them.
Now back to your regular television broadcast.
Friday, May 11, 2007
I am crazy about you Bob!!
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Click to play | Make your own Smilebox |
From the top of Mt. Apitite, I want you to know how much I love you!
I know Mt. Apitite isn't very tall, but it's the only mountain near here.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Arts and Crafts
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Semper Fi

Semper Fi, Part Three
By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Thursday, April 26, 2007 4:20 PM PT
Semper Fi, Part One
Semper Fi, Part Two
Military Justice: The case against the Haditha Marines unravels as murder charges are dropped against one and the court hearing of two others is postponed. Will we soon be hearing John Murtha's apology?
The seemingly forgotten incident began as a Marine convoy of the Camp Pendleton-based Kilo Company, Third Battalion, First Marine Regiment, was passing through the town of Haditha in the contested Iraqi province of Anbar on Nov. 19, 2005. A roadside improvised explosive device (IED) went off, killing Lance Cpl. Miguel Terrazas, 20, of El Paso, Texas, who was on his second tour of duty.
After the initial attack, the Marines took small arms fire from nearby houses. They returned fire and went house to house searching for their attackers. For their efforts in responding to an insurgent ambush, four Marines were charged with murder, accused of engaging in a rampage of revenge for their fallen comrade.
Marines who were charged with murder include, from left, Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich, Lance Cpl. Justin Sharratt and Sgt. Sanick Dela Cruz.
Staff Sgt. Frank D. Wuterich, 26, was charged with using his service rifle to murder 18 individuals while having "intent to kill or cause great bodily harm."
Three squad mates — Lance Cpl. Justin Sharratt, 22, Sgt. Sanick P. Dela Cruz, 24, and Lance Cpl. Stephen Tatum, 25 — were charged with unlawfully killing three, five and six civilians, respectively. Others were charged with covering up the incident.
While the matter was still under investigation, Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., decided it would be sentence first and trial later when he proclaimed that the Marines had "killed innocent civilians in cold blood."
A March 27, 2006, Time magazine report published claims by an Iraqi civil rights group that the Marines then barged into nearby houses, throwing grenades and shooting civilians randomly as they cowered in fear. Liberals thought they had their Iraqi My Lai.
But now, as reported by, all charges, including murder, are being dropped against Sgt. Dela Cruz, presumably in some sort of immunity deal to testify against the others. This comes after it was announced that Article 32 hearings against two of the others and Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani, the battalion commander, have been postponed.
Is the case against the Haditha Marines falling apart?
According to Newsmax, a Marine who was the batallion's intelligence officer has given an eight-hour-long taped deposition that will be available to the defense at Article 32 hearings in May.
The officer was said to be in possession of exculpatory evidence, including video, that provides a minute-by-minute picture of that day's action, confirming the Marines' story that they were merely doing what they were trained to do — responding to a perceived threat with overwhelming force.
The evidence includes all the radio traffic describing the ongoing action between the Marines and battalion headquarters.
It shows the Marines were aware that the insurgents were taping their ambush of Kilo Company for propaganda purposes. An edited version of the video wound up in the hands of an anti-war Time correspondent and helped spawn the murder investigation.
According to those who've seen the evidence, it clearly demonstrates that the incident was part of a planned ambush by insurgent forces, that they used the tragically killed civilians as human shields and that, despite the claims of Rep. Murtha, this was not murder but the tragic result of an ongoing firefight in which U.S. Marines were honorably defending themselves.
Robert Muise, the Thomas More Law Center attorney who questioned the officer, says his "testimony shows the complexity of the attack that day, the callousness of the terrorists toward the local civilians, whom they use to their advantage, and the error of viewing this incident in a vacuum."
We wish the center well in its defense of the Haditha Marines. Its goal, according to the center's president and chief counsel, Richard Thompson, is to prove their innocence and "to allow the facts of Nov. 19, 2005, and beyond to be presented to the investigating officer rather than the scurrilous and unfounded accusations from anti-war politicians and media who rely on insurgent sources for their stories about our decent and hard-fighting men in uniform."
Semper Fi.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Lewiston makes national news over Pig's Head and suicide
If you look over to the left column of this blog, you will note a list of articles from Little Green Footballs, a site I really like for it's honest approach about the Islamic condition and the prejudice against Christians and Westerners world wide. Anyway if you scroll down 4 or 5 headlines to the 6th one you will come to
Lewiston Pigs Head. (Click on it) and check out the story of the man who killed himself in front of our Marden's store the other morning. There is also a mention of the Lewiston Middle School (much ado about nothing) when a student put a ham slice in a bag on a lunch table where some Somalians were eating. My grandson witnessed the actions of the teachers and students when it happened, it took every muscle in his face to keep from laughing at the silliness of it all.
Lewiston Pigs Head. (Click on it) and check out the story of the man who killed himself in front of our Marden's store the other morning. There is also a mention of the Lewiston Middle School (much ado about nothing) when a student put a ham slice in a bag on a lunch table where some Somalians were eating. My grandson witnessed the actions of the teachers and students when it happened, it took every muscle in his face to keep from laughing at the silliness of it all.
Rosie takes a walk!
It was just a matter of time when we could finally breathe easier and enjoy the show, The View, with Barbara Walters and company. Rosie O'donell had announced today she was leaving the show and not renewing her contract in June. Millions of Americans are celebrating today. Women are able to act like women again, men can now pat each other on the back and say, I knew she wasn't gonna last. Kids can now watch the show with grandma. Lesbians everywhere can stop hiding from the public because of her big mouth. Our brave soldiers can get back to fighting the war without another Hollywierdo stabbing them in the back! And last but not least Donald Trump was right when he said she was a loser. Trump must have had some pull in all this. Goes to show ya, money talks and chimps walk.
Click on the link to find out more. Gee, I'm so happy, I could run a mile,..on second thought? I think I'll just walk one.>1=7703
Click on the link to find out more. Gee, I'm so happy, I could run a mile,..on second thought? I think I'll just walk one.>1=7703
Friday, April 20, 2007
Alec Baldwin's Phone Message to 12 Year Old Daughter
Hollywierd at it's finest?
Serial Killers are not all white!
I recently read on one of the forums I use that some folks are under the notion that most serial killers in America and around the world are white. I thought that strange as by statistics more African American people are victims of crimes and now we are hearing of S. American illigal imigrants killing folks and as of this week the VA College student Cho who gunned down 32 people. So, I did a little researching and came across this site. It is not complete but it definitely makes a point. Not all crazed killers are white and not all are black, but they all have this in common, they kill with vengence.
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(Not all serial killers are white!!!)
Certain African-American professional callers to talk radio on WGNU have made a pastime of blaming whites for serial murder. The reason they are doing this is because the FBI states that the profile of the average serial murderer, among other things, is white and male. In fact, according to Gordon Lee Baum, CofCC CEO, the FBI's use of profiling in this stead is among the first instances of some law enforcement unit using the concept of overt profiling. In response to these callers, Earl P. Holt, III assembled this small list of black serial killers, and others alert us to even more examples, thank you all. -- The Webmaster
As a matter of fact, the proportion of the universe of serial killers that are black is slightly higher than their proportion of the general population.
If we missed any, please tell us about it.
Howard Arthur Allen. Indianapolis. 3 or more victims.
Jake Bird. Tacoma, Washington. He offed two in the Tacoma area in the 1940s and a total of 44 nationwide.
Terry A. Blair. Kansas City area. 8 victims.
Arthur Bomar. Philadelphia and Nevada. 4 or 5 victims.
Daniel Andrew Bowler. Richmond, Virginia. 3 victims.
Eugene Britt. Gary, Indiana. 10 or more victims.
Maurice Byrd. St. Louis area. 20 victims.
Reginald and Jonathan Carr. Wichita, Kansas. 5 victims.
Jarvis Catoe. New York City. 13 victims. 1941-42.
Alton Coleman. Midwestern USA. 8 victims.
Andre Crawford. Southside Chicago. 10 victims.
Paul Durousseau. Jacksonvile, Florida; Georgia. 6 victims, two of which were pregnant women.
Lorenzo Fayne. East St. Louis, Illinois. 5 victims, all children.
Kendall Francois. Poughkeepsie, New York and environs. 8 victims, all women.
Lorenzo J. Gilyard. Kansas City, Missouri. 12 victims, all women. (May be Missouri's worst serial killer ever, according to the Kansas City Star.)
Mark Goudeau. Valley of the Sun, Arizona. "Baseline Killer." 9 kills, along with 15 sexual assaults and 11 kidnappings during his year-long spree.
Harrison Graham. North Philadelphia city. 7 victims, possibly more.
Carlton Gray. Columbus, Georgia. 3 victims.
Vaughn Greenwood. Louisiana. 11 victims.
Kevin and Reginald Haley. Los Angeles. 8 victims. 1979-84.
Ralph Harris. Southside Chicago. 6 victims, along with 13 armed robberies and 6 sexual assaults. The first four murders in 1992 and the final two in 1995 sandwiched a prison stint for armed robbery.
Clarence Hill. Bucks County, PA. "Duck Island Killer." 6 victims, three pairs of "lovers lane" couples. 1939-42.
Ivan Hill. Los Angeles. "60 Freeway Slayer." 6 women. 1993-4.
Elton M. Jackson. Norfolk, Virginia area. 12 victims.
Calvin Jackson. New York State. 9 victims, possibly more.
Edward James. Las Vegas. 3 victims. (He and Troy Sampson [see below] were both "thrill" serial killers, who brutally murdered random, innocent white people -- EPH)
Richard "Babyface" Jameswhite. New York State; Georgia. 15 victims.
Milton Johnson. Joliet, IL. 4 victims.
Devine Jones. St. Louis area. 3 victims, possibly more.
Henry Lee Jones. Southern Florida; Bartlett, Tennessee. 4 victims, possibly more.
Gregory Klepper. Southside Chicago. 8 victims.
Derrick Todd Lee. Southern Louisiana. 5 victims.
Hulon Mitchell, a.k.a. Yahweh Ben Yahweh. Florida. 20 victims, possibly more.
John Allan Mohammed and Lee Boyd Malvo. Washington, D.C. and suburbs in Maryland and Virginia; Montgomery, Alabama; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Tacoma, Washington; Georgia; Tucson, Arizona. 13 to 19 victims, and probalby many many more.
Edward Lee Mosley. Southern Florida. 25 to 30 victims, all women.
Mohammed Alan Omar. Country of Yemen. 16 victims, all women. (Omar is Sudanese.)
Gerald Parker. "The Bedroom Basher." 6 white women, Southern CA.
Craig Price. Warwick, Rhode Island. 4 victims.
Cleophus Prince. San Diego, California. 6 victims.
Richmond Trio. Ricky Jovan Gray, Ashley Baskerville and Ray Joseph Dandridge. Richmond, VA. 8 victims among the three of them in several loosely related serial murder incidents.
Robert Rozier. Miami, Florida. 6 victims.
George Russell. Washington State. 3 victims, all women.
Troy Sampson. (See Edward James, above.)
Lemuel Smith. Upstate New York. 4 victims.
Timothy W. Spencer. Arlington, Virginia and Richmond, Virginia. 5 victims.
Maury Travis. St. Louis area; Atlanta area (?). 17 victims, possibly more.
Chester Dewayne Turner. Los Angeles. 12 victims, all women.
Unidentified. Indianapolis. 15 victims.
Michael Vernon. The Bronx, New York. 7 victims. (Five of his victims he killed in a shoe store because the store did not have shoes in his size. He later offed one pizza delivery man and one gypsy cab driver.)
Henry Louis Wallace. Charlotte, North Carolina. 9 victims.
Coral Eugene Watts. Texas; Michigan; Canada. He has confessed to 13 killings, but is suspected in as many as 80 killings.)
Wayne Williams. Atlanta area. 33 victims.
Donald E. Younge, Jr. East St. Louis, Illinois; Salt Lake City, Utah. 4 victims.
Zebra Killers. Three convicted in San Francisco. 78 victims.
The current aggregate running total using the above list is 61 perpetrators and at least 593 documented serial murder victims. In comparison, about 2900 perished in the September 11 attacks at the WTC, the Pentagon and rural Pennsylvania, and 168 died in the Murrah Building bombing in Oklahoma City in 1995.
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(Not all serial killers are white!!!)
Certain African-American professional callers to talk radio on WGNU have made a pastime of blaming whites for serial murder. The reason they are doing this is because the FBI states that the profile of the average serial murderer, among other things, is white and male. In fact, according to Gordon Lee Baum, CofCC CEO, the FBI's use of profiling in this stead is among the first instances of some law enforcement unit using the concept of overt profiling. In response to these callers, Earl P. Holt, III assembled this small list of black serial killers, and others alert us to even more examples, thank you all. -- The Webmaster
As a matter of fact, the proportion of the universe of serial killers that are black is slightly higher than their proportion of the general population.
If we missed any, please tell us about it.
Howard Arthur Allen. Indianapolis. 3 or more victims.
Jake Bird. Tacoma, Washington. He offed two in the Tacoma area in the 1940s and a total of 44 nationwide.
Terry A. Blair. Kansas City area. 8 victims.
Arthur Bomar. Philadelphia and Nevada. 4 or 5 victims.
Daniel Andrew Bowler. Richmond, Virginia. 3 victims.
Eugene Britt. Gary, Indiana. 10 or more victims.
Maurice Byrd. St. Louis area. 20 victims.
Reginald and Jonathan Carr. Wichita, Kansas. 5 victims.
Jarvis Catoe. New York City. 13 victims. 1941-42.
Alton Coleman. Midwestern USA. 8 victims.
Andre Crawford. Southside Chicago. 10 victims.
Paul Durousseau. Jacksonvile, Florida; Georgia. 6 victims, two of which were pregnant women.
Lorenzo Fayne. East St. Louis, Illinois. 5 victims, all children.
Kendall Francois. Poughkeepsie, New York and environs. 8 victims, all women.
Lorenzo J. Gilyard. Kansas City, Missouri. 12 victims, all women. (May be Missouri's worst serial killer ever, according to the Kansas City Star.)
Mark Goudeau. Valley of the Sun, Arizona. "Baseline Killer." 9 kills, along with 15 sexual assaults and 11 kidnappings during his year-long spree.
Harrison Graham. North Philadelphia city. 7 victims, possibly more.
Carlton Gray. Columbus, Georgia. 3 victims.
Vaughn Greenwood. Louisiana. 11 victims.
Kevin and Reginald Haley. Los Angeles. 8 victims. 1979-84.
Ralph Harris. Southside Chicago. 6 victims, along with 13 armed robberies and 6 sexual assaults. The first four murders in 1992 and the final two in 1995 sandwiched a prison stint for armed robbery.
Clarence Hill. Bucks County, PA. "Duck Island Killer." 6 victims, three pairs of "lovers lane" couples. 1939-42.
Ivan Hill. Los Angeles. "60 Freeway Slayer." 6 women. 1993-4.
Elton M. Jackson. Norfolk, Virginia area. 12 victims.
Calvin Jackson. New York State. 9 victims, possibly more.
Edward James. Las Vegas. 3 victims. (He and Troy Sampson [see below] were both "thrill" serial killers, who brutally murdered random, innocent white people -- EPH)
Richard "Babyface" Jameswhite. New York State; Georgia. 15 victims.
Milton Johnson. Joliet, IL. 4 victims.
Devine Jones. St. Louis area. 3 victims, possibly more.
Henry Lee Jones. Southern Florida; Bartlett, Tennessee. 4 victims, possibly more.
Gregory Klepper. Southside Chicago. 8 victims.
Derrick Todd Lee. Southern Louisiana. 5 victims.
Hulon Mitchell, a.k.a. Yahweh Ben Yahweh. Florida. 20 victims, possibly more.
John Allan Mohammed and Lee Boyd Malvo. Washington, D.C. and suburbs in Maryland and Virginia; Montgomery, Alabama; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Tacoma, Washington; Georgia; Tucson, Arizona. 13 to 19 victims, and probalby many many more.
Edward Lee Mosley. Southern Florida. 25 to 30 victims, all women.
Mohammed Alan Omar. Country of Yemen. 16 victims, all women. (Omar is Sudanese.)
Gerald Parker. "The Bedroom Basher." 6 white women, Southern CA.
Craig Price. Warwick, Rhode Island. 4 victims.
Cleophus Prince. San Diego, California. 6 victims.
Richmond Trio. Ricky Jovan Gray, Ashley Baskerville and Ray Joseph Dandridge. Richmond, VA. 8 victims among the three of them in several loosely related serial murder incidents.
Robert Rozier. Miami, Florida. 6 victims.
George Russell. Washington State. 3 victims, all women.
Troy Sampson. (See Edward James, above.)
Lemuel Smith. Upstate New York. 4 victims.
Timothy W. Spencer. Arlington, Virginia and Richmond, Virginia. 5 victims.
Maury Travis. St. Louis area; Atlanta area (?). 17 victims, possibly more.
Chester Dewayne Turner. Los Angeles. 12 victims, all women.
Unidentified. Indianapolis. 15 victims.
Michael Vernon. The Bronx, New York. 7 victims. (Five of his victims he killed in a shoe store because the store did not have shoes in his size. He later offed one pizza delivery man and one gypsy cab driver.)
Henry Louis Wallace. Charlotte, North Carolina. 9 victims.
Coral Eugene Watts. Texas; Michigan; Canada. He has confessed to 13 killings, but is suspected in as many as 80 killings.)
Wayne Williams. Atlanta area. 33 victims.
Donald E. Younge, Jr. East St. Louis, Illinois; Salt Lake City, Utah. 4 victims.
Zebra Killers. Three convicted in San Francisco. 78 victims.
The current aggregate running total using the above list is 61 perpetrators and at least 593 documented serial murder victims. In comparison, about 2900 perished in the September 11 attacks at the WTC, the Pentagon and rural Pennsylvania, and 168 died in the Murrah Building bombing in Oklahoma City in 1995.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Pelosie=Hand,foot and mouth disease.,2933,264334,00.html
Nancy Pelosie on a power trip to Syria opened her big ill-informed mouth and told them Isreal wanted a peace treaty. In truth Isreal never said any such thing and were shocked she would do such a inane thing. What a dit! Here's what we get for voting in a stupid Democrat during war time. If she thinks her position has changed from Speaker of the House to Diplomatic laison she's smoking something funny. President Bush specifically told her not to go and to add to her disobedient behavior she went and critized him.
Wish it was like the old days, when we just shot traitors.
Monday, April 02, 2007
The religion of Peace my butt!!!
Here is something that gives horror films fodder. I can't even imagine what that poor mother must have felt when those crazy Muslims gave her back her baby served on rice! People need to hear about this stuff so pass it on! Don't let anyone off the hook. This story must be told.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
A Poem About Responsibility
A poem about responsibility
There was a most important job that needed to be done,
And no reason not to do it, there was absolutely none.
But in vital matters such as this, the thing you have to ask
Is who exactly will it be who'll carry out the task?
Anybody could have told you that everybody knew
That this was something somebody would surely have to do.
Nobody was unwilling; anybody had the ability.
But nobody believed that it was their responsibility.
It seemed to be a job that anybody could have done,
If anybody thought he was supposed to be the one.
But since everybody recognised that anybody could,
Everybody took for granted that somebody would.
But nobody told anybody that we are aware of,
That he would be in charge of seeing it was taken care of.
And nobody took it on himself to follow through,
And do what everybody thought that somebody would do.
When what everybody needed so did not get done at all,
Everybody was complaining that somebody dropped the ball.
Anybody then could see it was an awful crying shame,
And everybody looked around for somebody to blame.
Somebody should have done the job
And Everybody should have,
But in the end Nobody did
What Anybody could have.
Charles Osgood
There was a most important job that needed to be done,
And no reason not to do it, there was absolutely none.
But in vital matters such as this, the thing you have to ask
Is who exactly will it be who'll carry out the task?
Anybody could have told you that everybody knew
That this was something somebody would surely have to do.
Nobody was unwilling; anybody had the ability.
But nobody believed that it was their responsibility.
It seemed to be a job that anybody could have done,
If anybody thought he was supposed to be the one.
But since everybody recognised that anybody could,
Everybody took for granted that somebody would.
But nobody told anybody that we are aware of,
That he would be in charge of seeing it was taken care of.
And nobody took it on himself to follow through,
And do what everybody thought that somebody would do.
When what everybody needed so did not get done at all,
Everybody was complaining that somebody dropped the ball.
Anybody then could see it was an awful crying shame,
And everybody looked around for somebody to blame.
Somebody should have done the job
And Everybody should have,
But in the end Nobody did
What Anybody could have.
Charles Osgood
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Beautiful Maine
Monday, February 05, 2007
Hillary does D.C.
Click on the link and turn up the sound, this is funny!
Friday, February 02, 2007
Daydream believer
This is my friend, we'll call her Betty to protect her innocence.

Betty is a great person!
She is sweet and funny and a great mom and wife and worker. But, Betty has this one little thing, she daydreams. Oh, not so much at work or not so much about all kinds of silly things like some girls do. No, she dreams about her favorite baseball buddy, this guy, Kevin Mallar. I think that's how you spell his name.

Cute isn't he? But his looks aren't what she's dreaming about. No, she's having visions of Kevin and her playing baseball with her son, her daughter and even her hubby, and she is giving Kevin tips on the game that he may be missing when he's down there in the dugout. Stuff only a good observer, fan and viewer from a seat looking down would see.
You keep dreaming Betty. Dreams can come true!

Betty is a great person!
She is sweet and funny and a great mom and wife and worker. But, Betty has this one little thing, she daydreams. Oh, not so much at work or not so much about all kinds of silly things like some girls do. No, she dreams about her favorite baseball buddy, this guy, Kevin Mallar. I think that's how you spell his name.

Cute isn't he? But his looks aren't what she's dreaming about. No, she's having visions of Kevin and her playing baseball with her son, her daughter and even her hubby, and she is giving Kevin tips on the game that he may be missing when he's down there in the dugout. Stuff only a good observer, fan and viewer from a seat looking down would see.
You keep dreaming Betty. Dreams can come true!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
What's next, graffiti on Police cars?
From: AFA ActionAlert
Date: 1/31/2007 3:37:37 AM
To: Paulette Goulet
Subject: War protesters allowed to spray paint the U.S. Capitol
Donald E. Wildmon
Founder and Chairman
January 31, 2007
Please help us get this information into the hands of as many people as possible by forwarding it to your entire email list of family and friends.
War protesters allowed to spray paint the U.S. Capitol
Capitol Chief of Police tell officers not to arrest anyone
Dear Paulette,
During last Saturday's Washington rally protesting the war in Iraq, hundreds of anti-war protesters were allowed to desecrate government property by spray painting the Capitol with anarchist symbols. I did not see or hear any report of this in any of the mainline media outlets!
Capitol Police Chief Phillip Morse ordered his officers to fall back and allow the protesters to exercise what he called "their First Amendment rights" to spray paint the Capitol steps with graffiti. Defending his actions, Morse said, "The graffiti was easily removed by the staff. It is our duty and responsibility to protect the Capitol complex, while allowing the public to exercise their freedom of speech." He even ordered his officers not to arrest anyone!
The war protesters were given access and leniency to deface government property. According to Family Research Council, public employees had to come in on their day off, at taxpayers' expense, to clean up the mess the protesters left behind.
To see comments on this issue by Sen. Wayne Allard of Colorado, click here.
The Capitol Chief of Police takes his orders directly from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, one of the demonstrators' most outspoken allies!
Take Action
E-mail Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and ask that she take action to have those who spray painted our Capitol arrested. Furthermore, she should publicly state that this kind of activity will not be condoned in the future. If you desire to speak with her office in addition to sending the e-mail, her direct number is 202-225-4965.
Forward this e-mail to your friends and family and ask that they take action.
If you think our efforts are worthy, would you please support us with a small gift? Thank you for caring enough to get involved.
Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association
P.S. Please forward this e-mail message to your family and friends!
February is Valentine's and True Love Waits month. Whether it's a Crown of Thorns necklace for your sweetheart or a Purity Ring for your child, Samaritan Arts has hundreds of Christian jewelry ideas for all of your gift giving occasions. For that gift they will always remember...
Washington, D.C. and Mount Vernon Tours
See our nation's capital from a Christian perspective with Tim Wildmon.
If you are a Federal Civilian, Postal or Military Employee, please consider AFA (#2058) for your annual CFC participation. Questions or comments about AFA? Contact us via email, phone, fax, or postal mail.
American Family Association | P O Drawer 2440 | Tupelo, MS 38803 | 1-662-844-5036
Copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved
Date: 1/31/2007 3:37:37 AM
To: Paulette Goulet
Subject: War protesters allowed to spray paint the U.S. Capitol
Donald E. Wildmon
Founder and Chairman
January 31, 2007
Please help us get this information into the hands of as many people as possible by forwarding it to your entire email list of family and friends.
War protesters allowed to spray paint the U.S. Capitol
Capitol Chief of Police tell officers not to arrest anyone
Dear Paulette,
During last Saturday's Washington rally protesting the war in Iraq, hundreds of anti-war protesters were allowed to desecrate government property by spray painting the Capitol with anarchist symbols. I did not see or hear any report of this in any of the mainline media outlets!
Capitol Police Chief Phillip Morse ordered his officers to fall back and allow the protesters to exercise what he called "their First Amendment rights" to spray paint the Capitol steps with graffiti. Defending his actions, Morse said, "The graffiti was easily removed by the staff. It is our duty and responsibility to protect the Capitol complex, while allowing the public to exercise their freedom of speech." He even ordered his officers not to arrest anyone!
The war protesters were given access and leniency to deface government property. According to Family Research Council, public employees had to come in on their day off, at taxpayers' expense, to clean up the mess the protesters left behind.
To see comments on this issue by Sen. Wayne Allard of Colorado, click here.
The Capitol Chief of Police takes his orders directly from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, one of the demonstrators' most outspoken allies!
Take Action
E-mail Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and ask that she take action to have those who spray painted our Capitol arrested. Furthermore, she should publicly state that this kind of activity will not be condoned in the future. If you desire to speak with her office in addition to sending the e-mail, her direct number is 202-225-4965.
Forward this e-mail to your friends and family and ask that they take action.
If you think our efforts are worthy, would you please support us with a small gift? Thank you for caring enough to get involved.
Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association
P.S. Please forward this e-mail message to your family and friends!
February is Valentine's and True Love Waits month. Whether it's a Crown of Thorns necklace for your sweetheart or a Purity Ring for your child, Samaritan Arts has hundreds of Christian jewelry ideas for all of your gift giving occasions. For that gift they will always remember...
Washington, D.C. and Mount Vernon Tours
See our nation's capital from a Christian perspective with Tim Wildmon.
If you are a Federal Civilian, Postal or Military Employee, please consider AFA (#2058) for your annual CFC participation. Questions or comments about AFA? Contact us via email, phone, fax, or postal mail.
American Family Association | P O Drawer 2440 | Tupelo, MS 38803 | 1-662-844-5036
Copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved
Monday, January 29, 2007
Yes! They are the Devils Whipping Boys!
Please don't go to this site and read the article and view the pics if you have a weak stomache for bloody stupidness!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Finally a turn around for pro-life!

God's fight, God's time, God's will be done. God wants us to do our part so let's spread the word that abortion is losing ground finally. Perhaps God will do a mighty work here in the states with our help not that He needs it. Don't forget the littlest ones who have been betrayed by their own parents.
Murlosie? That goofy self gratifying duo

What do you get when you elect a nobody and her collandar minded manpet?
Murlosie! In this episode, Queen Pelosie and her monkey boy Murtha embark on a fact finding and good will hunting tour de Meddle East. Read along and follow their anctics meeting an important sheethead. Don't bother trying to pronouce his name it will only sound like you are hacking up a loogy. If they had had a thought between the two of them they could have brought along Hanoi Jane and Cindy Sheman for a more yellow shade of diplomacy.,8599,1582741,00.html
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Tom Cruise, Jesus Christ, Superstar?,21985,21113508-2902,00.html
This was just too pathetic to ignore. Tom Cruise = Scientologist = Alien = sci-fi = make believe = Hollywood Star = glorified = following = godlike = miracle worker = Jesus Christ? Oh, I see now, it's like a revelation. If you are Tom Cruise and you are worshipped by the masses then of course you must be a god!
Tom please for the love of the real and only God get help!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
The ying and yang of Chinese food

Ok, so let's say you believe in the basic principles of ying and yang, positive vs. negative sorta. Now let's say you eat part of a poo-poo for two and some beef lo-mein. If you were to compare the positive to the negative you might arrive at the following; that it taste great(pos), that you ate too much(neg), lots of textures and flavors mixed with hot and cold(pos), lots of gas and indigestion(neg). If he fly(pos) if I buy(definitely neg). Full after 5min(pos) hungry in 10min(neg). Sounds like poo-poo for two and ying & yang are from the same dynasty.
Al Goreble Warming?
Well, he's at it again! This time Algore is happy to announce that there really are people who believe what they see at the movies. Imagine that! For years we've been saying that TV, Cinema and video games affect our youth much to the poo-pooing sounds from the left. But, lo and behold the king of the left wingnut kookers Al Gore, who founded the web now notes the effects of global warming compared to lets say mild hot flashes among humans to be as true or truer than any sci-fi movie we've seen to date.
Well Mr. Gore, here's to you and your world. May you always believe that you are the creator and we are the corruptably stupid for listening to you about anything. Na-noo, Na-noo.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Nick Anderson: Animation Archives
click on title below and scroll down to Hillary's Baggage.
Nick Anderson: Animation Archives
Here's your sign demigogs!
Nick Anderson: Animation Archives
Here's your sign demigogs!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Where this years spring fashion is going
This spring France will be sporting the new "Mystery Berka Outfit" with regards from the Islamofascists, aka, Taliban designers. These shieks who have become known the world over as the hip and shiekiest of fashionable women's wear daily everywhere, under male dominant, politically correct abusive tactics. It is of course only a passing fad as the mini skirt, farmer jeans, faux fur and hot pink cone braa once were. It shouldn't be too long now and Hollywoods brazen babes will be seen adorned with this timely piece of inner and outer wear on Santa Monica Blvd. Better watch out ladies at the next Sag Awards as it will be hard to tell who is who on the red carpet.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
The Largest How To Manual
This site is both funny and enlightening. They are in the process of trying to become the worlds largest "How To" site and so far everything I've typed in to learn how to, they have had the directions. From how to make arts and crafts to fixing your car to preventing static from taking over your hair in the winter. I give this site *** 3 stars. Check it out!
This site is both funny and enlightening. They are in the process of trying to become the worlds largest "How To" site and so far everything I've typed in to learn how to, they have had the directions. From how to make arts and crafts to fixing your car to preventing static from taking over your hair in the winter. I give this site *** 3 stars. Check it out!
Monday, January 15, 2007
What is beauty?

I guess it's in the eye of the beholder.
I spent most of my life torn between what society says I should look like and what God made me to look like. If I leave the house with no makeup or hair hanging down or dressed in grubby jeans, people ask me if I am feeling alright? What's up with that???
If I clean up good and fix my face and hair I'm looking so great!??
Hey I know! How about I tattoo my eyes and lips to look like I have makeup on and wear a big hat all the time then people will just think I'm excentric.
No, that won't work, then I'd have to wash the hat all the time. So, listen up friends, family and strangers, I'm fine! Really! I'm ok! Makeup or not, K?
The church and me
Yesterday I missed church because I'm sick again from some bug going around the day care. Well at least that's what I think it is? I'm wishing I hadn't stayed home and in bed. Everytime I do I miss out on some really good music or preaching or both. Yesterday was no different. We had a guest singer whom I hear was awesome! Still I'm thankful for what God has done and is doing in my life everyday. Sick or not, poor or rich, fat or lean, up or down, God is still in control and I am in awe of that. How about you? Are you thankful today? Are you thankful that you are who you are and God loves you no matter what?
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