Monday, June 25, 2007

Moore Wishes Bush Well!

What's up with this? Michael Moore wishing Bush Well? Could it be that MM has gone from being the poster boy for overweight, vindictive, communist to overweight, introspective, socialist? Hmmm, keep it up Michael and you may become a repented, thoughtful, American Republican with each passing mistake you make.
As of today the new movie you have had pirated on the net "Sicko" probably hasn't made much in revenue and has managed to backfire on your backers. Maybe falling down has caused you to look up? It's just a matter of time till Hollywierd adds salt to your wounds and turns their thin layered cheeks against you. But, that's OK Michael, when you are ready to pick the right side, the conservative side, we'll be here for you. Of course you will have to renounce your allegiance to Castro and Chavez first.


Anonymous said...

MM is an arrogant pig and thinks all Americans should follow his drivel. To me he is a traitor and should be locked up in prison. CG13.

Anonymous said...

cyberghostx13 said...
MM is an arrogant pig and thinks all Americans should follow his drivel. To me he is a traitor and should be locked up in prison. CG13.