Monday, June 25, 2007

How do you apologize to our soldiers for this?

Finally the soldiers who were accused of atrocities against the Haditha people are being exonerated. Oops, looks like Murtha and the rest of the left media news rags owe our guys a big fat apology. Don't hold your breathe guys, the day you get an "I'm sorry, I was wrong" from any of these blow hards is the day French Poodles meow instead of bark. Check out this article on it.


Anonymous said...

Why would they even want his apology? I wouldn't in their shoes. It's worthless. The likes of Murtha's slander is the badge of honor; his approval would be a disohonor.

Paulette Simone said...

Hmmm, good point! Only true Patriots would agree, so that would leave out all the liberals the ACLU and most of Hollywierd! Thanks for your post!