Friday, November 10, 2006

Christmas is back!

Wal-Mart had a change of heart it would seem and has declared Christmas time is here! Last year they wouldn't even say those two dirty words anywhere in their store. I was actually verbally insulted by one of their clerks when I asked why they were refusing to acknowledge Christmas in their Christmas section of the store. I was told that I was stupid. I began a year long boycott and wrote everyone from Bill O'Reilly to Wal-Mart Execs to the AFA. I made up signs and posted them in my car windows and friends posted them in their cars and home windows in retaliation for their pc fear of the Communistic ACLU and the libertards. Well, looks like the buck stopped here. Because this year they want Christians back! Thank You Wal-Mart, but I have to wonder what else you've got up your sleeve?

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